
Philippa Stroud: "We Must Re-Lay The Foundations Of The West"

“There was once a day in the West when we took seriously the extraordinary value and dignity of every human being.”

We live in the aftermath of a deconstruction revolution. What we once held to be self-evident has been forgotten. The legacy of the ‘long march through the institutions’ is all around us, manifested in a generation who have torn down the very frameworks that nurtured the prosperity they have inherited, and whose sense of identity is increasingly arbitrary and at the mercy of ‘progress’.

Baroness Philippa Stroud’s message to us is simple: take up the discarded legacy of our civilisational heritage and carry it forward into a brighter future.

Her call goes out to rally those who will “lead with courage and strength, and who will create and not complain, build and not tear down, who are relational and not extractive, and who understand that this is for the long term and not the short term.”

It is these people who will write our ‘better story’.


Baroness Philippa Stroud is co-founder and CEO of ARC, Member of the House of Lords, and Chair of the Social Metrics Commission. Prior to this, she was the CEO of the Legatum Institute and Co-Founder and Chief Executive of the Centre for Social Justice. She served as Special Adviser to The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP from 2010-15 and to the Prime Minister from 2012.


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