
A Better Story for Energy

We may have finite resources, but when we work together we can unleash infinite possibilities.

"The story of energy in the modern era is an astonishingly rapid transformation from dirty, inefficient and labour-intensive sources to clean, cheap, dense and abundant. This is the journey we’re on. In the 21st century we have an abundance of efficient energy sources to choose from. When free to be creative, human beings seemingly have no limits to innovation. We may have finite resources, but when we work together we can unleash infinite possibilities. If the best predictor of the future is the past, the journey we are on is from dirty to clean, inefficient to efficient, and limited-density to high-density energy provision."

There is a better story

This week's ARC Vision Film calls for a re-casting of energy in our narratives - not as the poisoned chalice that has led us to a climate crisis, but as the elixir of human innovation, opening the doors to our prosperity.


Abundant Energy Makes The World Better | Bjorn Lomborg


What Is Energy Poverty Actually Like? | Panel