
“Good People Must Not Be Silenced!”: Jordan Peterson’s Call to Leaders at ARC Forum

Dr Jordan Peterson: "What does it mean for a country to descend into the grip of the totalitarian nightmare? ...it means that every single person who is an inhabitant of that country has decided to hold their tongue when they've been called upon to say what should be said."

Speaking at ARC Forum, Jordan Peterson’s warning is that these catastrophes don’t just occur overnight, but that there is a journey towards them that is marked by silence.

“Good people have a burden on their conscience. The burden requires them to speak…And they refuse the call.”

We are at a turning point in our societies. The health of a society relies upon the responsibility and courage of its people. Jordan’s call is emphatic: “Speak the truth while you still can.”


Dr Jordan B Peterson is a clinical psychologist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. He authored the global bestsellers Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life and 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. His new book, We Who Wrestle With God, will be published this Autumn.


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