
The Keys To Raising Resilient Children | Erica Komisar

"We have over the past 75 years prioritized adult’s desires rather than focusing on the needs of children. Society wants an external fix for the mental health epidemic in children ….but the truth is that we are responsible for this crisis, and only we can undo it."

Erica Komisar's challenge to parents is clear: "They need to take responsibility for their children’s mental health challenges rather than blaming outside forces."

As mental health problems in our children and young people grow at an alarming rate, and our health services are pushed beyond their limit, Erica calls us to look beyond a "quick fix answer" and address the issue at it's root.

Children need their parents.

In Erica's words: "children are our future" - and we will not resign them to a future of fragility, but one of strength.

Erica Komisar is a clinical social worker, author, psychoanalyst, psychological consultant and parent guidance expert who has been in private practice in New York City for over 30 years.


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