
Restoring beauty to our culture | Johannes Hartl and James Orr

“Truth, beauty and goodness radiate.”

Johannes Hartl's conviction is that these three things have a force in themselves to convince, and that a posture of humility and authenticity is the key to that force reaching those around us.

“We need to humbly suggest one narrative. And if this is beautiful, if this is coming from the heart, and people feel if it's coming from the heart, then it will be attractive.”

The question of beauty is at the forefront of Johannes’ thinking when it comes to uniting people around a story. He says,

“We have to learn to speak the language of beauty and of excellence in this cultural moment.”

Johannes’ call is for us to “create fresh, modern cultural expressions” that embody our better story.

Johannes Hartl is a speaker and author who deals with the topics of meaning, connection and faith. He founded the Augsburg Prayer House in 2005 where people have been praying 24/7 for 10 years. He reaches hundreds of thousands of people seeking meaning on international stages, on social media and with lectures on YouTube.

James Orr is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the University of Cambridge, Chair of the Edmund Burke Foundation UK, and Director of UK Programs for Trinity Forum Europe.


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